Changing Adolescent Negative Behavior
The Award-Winning Parent Project ®
The Project is designed to meet what research indicates are the three things parents need to change destructive adolescent behavior: Desire, Specific information and skills, Emotional and practical support The Parent Project is completely unique in that parents actually developed it. The curriculum is basically a compilation of the answers to questions asked by over 500,000 parents of high-risk-youth, over our twenty-seven years: My child refuses to go to school. What do I do? What do you do when your child beats you up?
What can I do about son’s gang involvement? My 14-year old is addicted to drugs. How do I get my daughter back? Most parents seek help when they are in crisis. The Parent Project® offers concrete, no-nonsense solutions to even the most difficult parent questions. The straightforward, step-by-step action plans presented in the curriculum allow parents to take immediate steps in the intervention process.
Many parents, but especially single mothers, do not have emotional and practical support at home. The Parent Project® includes a vehicle for developing ongoing
parent-led support groups throughout the community, using the highly structured, UCLA self-help support group model. Many participants report that
sharing with other parents is the most helpful aspect of the program. This program started it all. A Parent’s Guide to Changing Negative Adolescent Behavior (CDAB) is the only parent training program that addresses the MOST destructive of adolescent behaviors. Now in its eleventh edition, CDAB has become the program of choice for parents raising difficult or out-of-control teens. The American Bar Association’s Center on Children and the Law, named the Parent Project the largest court mandated juvenile diversion program in the country. With a focus on improving both school attendance and performance, CDAB has become a favorite of middle and high school educators as well.
Affordable: Minimal cost per family, CDAB is the least expensive of all practical intervention models. Fee optional with
Local school district assistance from various funding sources when available.
Effective: Using a behavioral model, CDAB addresses the critical issues parents face today and offers concrete,
step-by-step, solutions, not theory.
Need-based: CDAB is the only curriculum actually created by parent questions. Over 500,000 parents of high-risk
youth helped to develop this unique program.
Easy to Learn: The Parent Guide is the most comprehensive in the industry. Icon driven, the guide walks parents
through visuals, lectures, and group activities that help to provide all parents with a process for change.
Learning Strategies: CDAB is an activity-based curriculum built on cooperative learning norms. Parents work in
groups to brainstorm, practice applying new ideas, and build support. The “magic” happens at the tables.
Parent Support: CDAB uses the UCLA self-help support group model to create on-going, parent-led
community support groups this creates a familial atmosphere and support group in each training.
Program Goals:
Improve School Attendance and Performance and Responsibility
Reduce Family Conflict with methods of communication skills
Reduce Juvenile Crime
Reduce Recidivism
Critical Issues
Changing Negative Adolescent Behavior offers parents
concrete, no-nonsense interventions for adolescent behaviors including:
Family conflict Runaway children
Poor school attendance Violent children
Grades Media Issues Alcohol and drug use Early sexual acting out
Bullying and Teen suicide Gang involvement
Loving Solutions
Loving Solutions aka Soluciones Cariñosos is A parent-training program designed specifically for parents raising challenging younger children, ages 5-10 years. Also known as “Parent Project®, Jr.,” this program utilizes the same principles found successful in Parent Project® Sr., adapted to the needs of younger children.
Loving Solutions aka Soluciones Cariñosos will give parents the tools to affect real change and to get their kids back on track. This can be very helpful especially when you are working with fewer resources and a smaller budget. Our program makes a real difference parents need the tools to help create the change they want to see in their families. The Loving Solutions Teacher’s Guide is the most comprehensive in the industry. Icon driven, the guide walks facilitators through lectures, PowerPoint visuals and the group learning activities that provide parents with a clear understanding of the subject matter and a smooth process for change.
Loving Solutions aka Soluciones Cariñosos also addresses the needs of children with ADD / ADHD. Attention Deficit Disorder. The workbook provides a brief but informative introduction and overview of the field, to guide parents through this immense subject. Parents who suspect that their child displays these symptoms, as well as parents who have a child already diagnosed with ADD/ADHD, will find this information more than helpful.
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